
You are the expert on home and neighbourhood. That is why you and your ambitions are at the heart of what we do. We want to actively involve you, listen to you and act on what you say.


There is nothing our staff like better than to know that something they have done has helped improve services for our customers. That's why we want you to tell us when an employee or team has done something that earned a compliment. Then we can give them the recognition they deserve.

You can also leave suggestions or compliments in person, by calling us, in writing, by email or filling in the compliments form which can be found here.


As customers, you will often have ideas or suggestions that could help us improve our services to you. If you have a suggestion, please let a member of staff at Blackwood know. We really want to hear your ideas - they help us!


A complaint is when you tell us that you are not happy with our services.  Complaints can cover issues with care or housing services, staff members or completed repairs.

Our Compliments, Suggestions and Complaints leaflet will give you more information about what you can complain about, how we will handle it and the timescales we will meet - download the leaflet below:

how to make a complaint

Satisfaction Monitoring

Blackwood has a requirement to monitor customer satisfaction of our complaints handling process.  Once your complaint is resolved, we may ask you for your opinion about how we handled your complaint.  The following link will take you to an anonymous online survey where you can provide your feedback: 

take the survey button

I would like more information

Our Complaints Policy is designed to ensure that complaints are properly investigated and are given careful and fair consideration. It provides more detail about how concerns and formal complaints will be handled.  It also explains how to complain and how we use your feedback to improve.

You can view our Customer Complaints Procedure:

view complaints procedure button

What do I do if I am still not happy?

If you have complained and you are still not satisfied with the outcome, you can take your complaint to the regulators.

SPSO logo

The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman regulates the housing services we provide.  You must have made a complaint to us before the Ombudsman will look at your complaint.  Their website will provide you with further information. Click the logo above to be taken to their website.

care inspectorate logo

The Care Inspectorate regulates Blackwood's care services.  You can complain directly to the Care Inspectorate. Click the Care Inspectorate logo to be taken directly to their website. You can also download this leaflet which will provide more information.

scottish housing regulator logo

You can further complain directly to the Scottish Housing Regulator. The form to contact the SHR with details of your complaint can be found here. More information on the SHR can be found on their website. Click the logo above to be taken there.

Get in touch

You can make a complaint in person, by calling us, in writing, or by email. We also have an online form where you can register a complaint which can be found at this link

Head Office
160 Dundee
EH11 1DQ

Telephone: 0131 317 7227