Scottish Care Awards 2016 | Latest News

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Scottish Care Awards 2016

Great night was had by those who attended the awards ceremony On Thursday 23rd June at the Marriott hotel in Glasgow.

We had Chris Hogsden who was shortlisted for the Illuminate programme and Mandy McKenzie who lives at Broom Court for her contribution to our bespoke digitally enhanced care system, Clever Cogs.

The atmosphere was that of competitiveness. Chris was first to take to the stage. Angela Currie, Mandy, Board Member Eileen McDade and Flora Hay sat with fingers crossed silently praying for Chris to win. The cheer from the table when they announced Chris as the winner spoke volumes to the crowd, we were delighted for Chris and proud to be representing Blackwood.

The crowd now knew Blackwood were present. Mandy’s turn now and this time fingers were crossed even tighter, praying was a little bit faster, oh how we wanted so much for Mandy to take home the next award. Yes you guessed it Mandy received her award and in Mandy’s own unique style she accepted it like a pro revelling in the photographic attention.

Congratulations Chris and Mandy, these awards were well deserved!

Scottish Care Awards Winners 2016

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